Dances of Universal Peace

Die „Tänze des Universellen Friedens“ sind Teil einer zeitlosen Tradition des heiligen Tanzes und werden überwiegend gemeinsam im Kreis getanzt und in Form von Gehmeditationen vertieft.

They blend singing, live music and harmonious movement into a living experience of unity, connection, peace and integration.

The energy flows through the music and the movement from heart to heart, mostly through touching the hands and is also very well online in the virtual circle heartwarming and strengthening convertible!

friedenstaube fuer taenze
Tänze des universellen Friedens

The Dances of Universal Peace developed in the 1960s from a movement training programme that originated in America, initiated by Samuel L. Lewis (1896-1971) in San Francisco, and are now danced all over the world.

Spiritual roots of the dances are Sufism, inspired by Samuel L. Lewis' teacher, the Sufi master Hazrat Innayat Khan.

Her dance roots are in modern expressive dance, inspired by his dance mentor and friend Ruth St. Denis.

A constantly expanding collection of now 400 dances and walking meditations with singing, some of them originally handed down or inspired by the great religious and cultural traditions of this earth, which can contribute to inner peace and world peace.

I cordially invite you to this wonderful, shared experience in a circle, also online!

Current times are available under News!