Singing lessons Berlin and online
...sometimes light and delicate like a butterfly in flight, sometimes strong and wild like a lion on the hunt and everything else between heaven and earth...
Changeable and sustainable is the consciously guided breath. The voice flows freely in its fullness, depth, lightness and height through every part of our being.

You can expect professional guidance with decades of experience in singing and teaching, rehabilitation and care of your voice for professional singers and people in speaking professions.
- The discovery, development and expansion of one's own vocal range, vocal abilities and possibilities for beginners and advanced students.
- Without any time pressure, adapted to the individual needs and knowledge of each person.
- We achieve natural sounds through sound breath-voice technique and body exercises.
- Alternative vocal exercises, including those from overtone singing, Indian dhrupad and oriental singing, expand on classical vocal training.
- New and old repertoire from pop, rock, jazz, musical, chanson, Indian, oriental and classical music.
- Likewise, here is a mindful and relaxed space for noticing and saying goodbye to old blockages and inner censors, in favor of your free-swinging voice.
Here you will find the fees for prana & singing lessons
Each singing lesson includes a practical exercise pack for use at home. The lessons can be recorded to make practising easier. All lessons can also be taken online from the comfort of your own home! I have enjoyed teaching singing online on a weekly basis for several years now, as some of my students live outside of Berlin.
Other topics of the singing lessons include intonation, articulation, ear training, interpretation, improvisation. Song accompaniment and performance. Knowledge of sheet music is not a prerequisite and is not necessary for singing. The basics of music theory and harmony can be taught on request.
Ich begleite die Übungen und Lieder am Klavier, mit der Gitarre, mit dem Harmonium, mit Perkussion und Oud, einer arabischen Laute. Die Lieder werden in die für die jeweiligen Sänger*innen optimale Tonart transponiert.
The singing lessons and singing circle currently take place mainly in Berlin Schöneberg and online.
My joy in singing and teaching is contagious and promotes a relaxed sense of well-being, the best prerequisite for free singing!

I teach in beautiful classrooms in Schöneberg, Pankow and online.
I lead singing and dancing circles, the Dances of Universal Peace in Berlin and outside.
Eine Kennenlernstunde ist jederzeit nach Absprache in Berlin oder online möglich.